A china product sourcing agent assists with helping a client finding suppliers and manufacturers to make their products. They negotiate directly with the factories to get the best prices, maintain relationships with the factories, and also relay specifications and requests from the client to the manufacturer.

Building and maintaining relationships is especially important when trying to source products from China. Business is a two-way street in China, and manufacturers will be assessing whether they want to work on projects based on how they are presented. Having people on the ground that go directly to the factory is crucial when doing business overseas so you can verify their authenticity and capabilities, and build the relationships.

As experienced sourcing agents, we will review a project’s suitability for manufacturing before submitting it. It is important that any drawings for files sent to China are complete and have prototypes beforehand. We will work with you to help you finish your prototypes and drawings if you need assistance. Our U.S. based engineer can help you finalize your designs and get prototypes made of your drawings.

If there is a shipment of bad products, good sourcing agents will make sure you get refunded or a replacement shipment of products, and will make sure that the problem doesn’t happen again in the future.

Sourcing agents are different from distributors in that a distributor will buy a wholesale product and resell it at a higher price. Sourcing agents make their money when a client’s project has been successfully manufactured and delivered off a commission.

For more information on sourcing agents, visit us here.

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